I transferred my care to my Homebirth Midwife, Sue, about half way through my pregnancy because of ridiculous hospital policies. She treated me like a whole person and really cared about my emotional state throughout my pregnancy. I really enjoyed talking with her and looked forward to my appointments. My third baby and first boy, was born on October 12 at 41 + 1. I had already had 2 medicated hospital births and was excited to have an unmedicated birth at home.
At 6am on 10/12 I started having inconsistent contractions. I had been having prodormal labor for a week or so before and was getting so tired of being pregnant. My sweet midwife and doula were amazing in keeping me as calm as possible. I got in the shower to see if the contractions would slow and they did. I was discouraged. I already had a midwife appointment scheduled at 2:30pm that day so I just texted my midwife and doula to give them a heads up I was having some contractions but nothing consistent. I also called my parents to have them come pick up my girls. I was hoping this was the real thing and not a false alarm, deep down I knew it was the real deal.
Around noon, my husband and I took a walk around my hilly neighborhood and the contractions picked up a lot! I also did some curb walking to really kick it up a notch. But, once we got home they stopped again! By the time my midwife came for my appointment nothing was going on. She checked and I was only a stretchy 2cm!! She reminded me that I could be 10 cm in one hour and not to get discouraged. My midwife left and I decided to take a nap. But, as soon as I laid down, the contractions picked up a lot to the point where I could hardly get up when they came on. So in between contractions, I laid over my birth ball and my husband would squeeze my back during my contractions. My birth ball and the back squeezes were clutch, that's the only way I could handle the back labor.
We began timing the contractions and an hour later they were about 1 min long and 5 min apart so my husband called the doula and midwife. They arrived about 45 min later and my contractions were more like 1 min long and 2 min apart. My doula encouraged me to sit on the toilet and I could only stand that for 2 contractions. Then I got in the shower and lasted about 5 minutes in there! I really thought I'd spend most of my time in the shower, but I hated it!! I got out of the shower and went back to the birth ball where my doula took over squeezing my back, giving my husband a much needed break. I was in the zone, but heard talk in the background about how it was time to fill birthing tub. I couldn't believe it was almost time to push!
I got in the tub and pushed hard for an hour. My midwife asked me if I'd like to get out and try pushing on the bed because I wasn't progressing. I wanted to get out, but I felt physically paralyzed by the contractions. I got on all fours and pushed really hard as his head was born above the water. His head went back in and my midwife knew he was stuck and he couldn't be born in the water any longer. She sternly told me to get out of the tub and I found an inner mama strength to hop out of the tub and get into a lunge position. I pushed while the midwife stuck her hand up and unlodged his shoulder that was stuck on my pubic bone. It only took one more push to bring all 9 lbs of him into the world!
My birth wasn't pain free, but it was magical! This sounds kinda corny, but it reminded me of what it is to be human. I would definitely do it all over again. I'm no super woman, so if I can do it any mama who puts her mind to it can too! I thought maybe I'd beg to go the hospital, but it honestly didn't cross my mind during labor. I am grateful that active labor was only about 4.5 hours long. I thank God everyday for allowing me to have this experience!